A Flow From A Slain Lamb - 4 Message Audio Series
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Most of the books of the New Testament talk about the historic earth walk of Jesus. The book of Revelation talks about the presently reigning Jesus and what He is doing right now in and through His people. He walks in the midst of the seven Golden candlesticks which John the revelator describes as the seven churches. This series is taken primarily from Revelation chapter 22, where there is a pure river that flows from a slain lamb in the midst of the throne. In the book of Genesis, this river flows from the finished work called the garden of God. In Revelation it flows from the finished work of a slain lamb. When everything flows through the filter of the person and work of Jesus Christ, It becomes a pure river. There is a river whereof the streams make glad the city of God. This river flowed all the way through the scriptures and offers life to all who will drink from it freely. This series is intended for a spiritually mature audience as it was preached to an audience who have followed Dr. Hiles's teachings on Revelation for some time.